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Friday Night Games

The members of my gaming group try to play each Friday night.  Below are photos of our most recent games.

US infantry supported by Shermans advance on hidden German positions.

WWII  June 1944

US infantry and supporting armor find stiff resistance in the hedgerows.  The Germans had plenty of cover, but not enough manpower to cover all approaches.  Some well placed mortar support did manage to slow down the Allied advance for a time.

Game was played using Face of Battle.  Figures and vehicles are from various manufacturers.

Highlanders and surviving Sikhs prepare to sell their lives dearly.

2nd Afghan War 1880

The British launched a determined attack with the advantage of quality and numbers.  Then the tribesmen swarmed out of every canyon and off every nearby hilltop.  The cavalry put up a strong fight to buy some time, but were overwhelmed.  Soon after the guns were over run.  The bitter end was in sight. 

Eastern Front 1943

Russian infantry try to dislodge the Germans from prepared positions.  The infantry alone could not accomplish this.  They had trouble getting their scatchel charges close enough.  In the end they managed to kill off supporting riflemen and bring a tank up to deal with the bunker.

Face of Battle, Miniatures are West Wind and Battle Honors.

T-34 blasts the bunker with close range HE as infantry over run the flanking defenses.