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20mm Liberation Moderns

These are 20mm US troops from Liberation.  The first is a Special Forces figure armed with a M16/203 and wearing a hat.  The second Special Forces trooper wears goggles on helmet and has an M4 carbine.  The third is a Ranger from the "Mog" with a M16/203.  The figures were a pleasure to paint with little or no clean up required.  They are thick sculpts and may not size up well with some more slender 1/72 plastics.  The weapons seem a bit stubby, but I found this to be a plus as they are sturdy and less prone to break.  I found these were priced reasonably at 43p and love the idea of buying single figures.  This is a small company, so be patient with your correspondence and orders.  I found it well worth the short wait.  Next review the Somalis militia figures.

15mm Command Decision Kubelwagons

The first of my DAK and 8th Army vehicles. 

15mm CD Sdkfz 222 Armored Car


8th Army Crusader


Stuart "Honey"


25mm Union Iron Brigade from Old Glory


SYW French from Old Glory 15's