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Foundry unit for the Indian Mutiny. 












15mm SYW French


15mm SYW French

15mm SYW Swiss in French Service.


15mm SYW French

Many other items for sale:

Foundry 28mm French Napoleonic Line,  25mm Old Glory Jacobites, 28mm Foundry Nap. British Rifles, 28mm Imperialist Enterprise SYW Prussians and Austrians, 15mm War of the Roses DBA, 10mm WSS French, 25mm Punic Wars Elephant....... 



British want to secure a line of communication by seizing an old hill fort.  The locals have other plans.  Figures: Foundry and Old Glory, Rules: TSATF



The Guides advance to scout the old fort and recieve fire from the crumbling ramparts.  Casualties are light, but the young lieutenant orders them to fall back and wait for the column ot catch up.


The Highlanders take the right flank and prepare to sweep the heights clear of any marksmen.

The British artillery wisely deploys out of rifle range and drives the tribsmen from the walls.


Afghan regulars quickly re-occupy the old fort.  They will prove harder to dislodge.

The Pathans try to support the fort on the right, but the cannon will soon send them on their way too.   Sikh infantry move to the left of the fort after the guns have cleared the approach for them.
More tribesmen reinforce the fort after an assault be the Gurkhas is barely repulsed.   Finally the reinforcement card!  It may be too late though.
A very fun and exciting game and very quick as well (under 3 hrs.). The British were a little slow to advance, allowing the Afghans time to occupy the fort.  The Afghans started with a unit inside the fort, but had to roll each time one of their unit card came up before moving onto the board.  A couple of their units did not arrive until the last couple of turns.  The British attack finally came with the Gurkhas charging a weakly defended portion of the wall.  The Afghans were barely able to keep them from gaining a foothold on the ramparts.  The Sikhs were the second wave and, supported by the gun, were able to take the fort.  It was a costly battle for the British with loses they could ill afford.  The Pathans reteated into the hills to lick their wounds and plan revenge.  Several of their units fled the board with few casualties.  Maybe a follow up battle is in order.  Will the column's survivors be able to hold on to their prize?  

Guide cavalry dismounts to support the assault.

Initial French deployment.  Gross-Gorschen 1813.   Prussian cavalry move up.  The center saw a heated cavalry fight most of the game.  The French finally gave way after taking heavy casualties.
French dragoons regroup and threaten the Prussian left.  The forward troops were able to form square in time to avoid disaster.  The French would finally be driven off by a well used Prussian horse battery.   My troops move up to assault Gross-Gorschen on the right.  The legere will prove determined defenders.  The infantry in column will beat off my hussars and then my grenadiers.  French reserves enter from the road. 
Bryan commits the reserves to the center. They are needed badly on his right, but all of his center decided it was quittin' time.  Head for the woods lads.  

Battle of Gross-Gorschen  1813

We hadn't played Napoleonics for awhile, so we decided to gather our troops and dust off our favorite house rules.  Time to see what the French could do without their best, so it was after the Russian disaster.  It would be interesting to see the new French conscripts in action.

The French deployed their two most reliable brigades forward and used their untried troops as a reserve.  The cavalry brigade was deployed in the center between the two villages that the army must hold.  The horse gun would see alot of action before the day was through.  The main batteries were bringing up the rear.

The Prussians deployed an infantry brigade on each flank and matched the French in the center with their cavalry brigade as well.  Unlike the French, the Prussians had attached their guns to the infantry brigades, so they would enjoy a 3:1 gun advantage for awhile.  The French guns would prove to be in no great rush to get into action.  (Darn dice).

The cavalry fought a very entertaining battle in the center.  Finally it was the French that gave ground.  The legere holding Gorschen bloodily repelled all attacks, but the infantry holding the right hand village decided " Hey! Where did the rest of the brigade go?  Those don't look like our guns"  The commander was heard to say.  Their cookpots were still boiling when the Prussians entered the town. 

Finally the whole French right gave way.  The reserve was just getting into place, but they would be hard pressed just to hold a rearguard while the rest of the army escaped.

The final results were not that bad considering:  Prussians 9 French 5.  The French army was fairly intact as far as casualties.  There morale failures came at a very costly time during the game and it seemed to go badly all at once.  All in all a very fun game.  We may play it again and see if the French can pull it off.  

What do you think?